Thursday 20 September 2012

Post 3 – Jailbreak!

Hi everyone!

This week I have created a Podcast discussing recent trends in Jailbreaking Apple devices and the relevance of this issue for libraries. This is a topic I have touched on briefly in this blog but I thought it would be good to discuss it in greater depth. I have also included some cool Creative Commons music in this track, just to show some of the awesome sounds available out there.

I would like to thank my husband Liam Milligan for agreeing to be interviewed.

I always like to cite my references, so the following are sites I used to research this track, as well as the audio tracks I sampled (all tracks have a Creative Commons licenses allowing them to be reused).


Sampled Files

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately there are a lot of AIDS/Herpes denials on Herbal cures still out there. I did research on them after I was tested HIV/Herpes positive I was so worried am I going to die soon. I continue my search again on herbal remedy for Std, then I found lots of testimony on how Dr Itua Herbal Medicine Cured HIV/Aids, Herpes Virus,Copd, Hepatitis, Diabetes, On websites sharing their testimonies, which made much more sense to me. All the authors pronounce Dr Itua As a man with Good Heart, I pick interest in their testimonies and I contact him about my situation then he gave me procedure how it works, I proceed after one week he courier his Herbal Medicine to me and instruct me on how to drink it for two weeks to cure. I receive His Herbal Medicine so I drank it for two weeks as I was told then after 2 days I go for a test I found out I was cured from HIV/Aids & Herpes Virus, I pay homage to him 2 months ago to his country to celebrate with him on his African festival which he told me it usually happens every year. I know there are lots of (HIV)/Aids&Herpes Virus denials of Herbal Remedy movement the same few doctors and they represent a very small faction of the community. I could have died because I refused Natural Herbs Cures for so long, but luckily, by the grace of God I am alive to tell my story. Contact Info...Whatsapp Number...+2348149277967, Instagram Username...avat5634 Just in case you need someone to talk with.
